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HOW DO I PURCHASE THE NEW GEORGIA PET FOUNDATION SPAY/NEUTER LICENSE PLATE?When you purchase a Georgia Pet Foundation specialty license plate, money goes directly to fund grants which are then given to organizations to offer free or low-cost spay/neuter services throughout Georgia. These services are made available to pets of low-income families as well as homeless cats and dogs waiting to be adopted. ​ Go to the Georgia DMV Specialty License Plate Section, then scroll down to the "G" section and find Georgia Pet Foundation. ​ Georgia Tag Office's Cost and Fees Distribution: Initial cost: $45 plus ad valorem tax, if applicable. Cost to renew annually: $45.00 plus ad valorem tax, if applicable. Of the Initial $45 fees collected for the issuance of these tags, the fees shall be distributed as follows: $20 Annual License Reg. Fee $1 to the County Tag Agent $19 to Sponsoring Organization $5 to State of Georgia General Treasury. Of the $45 Annual Renewal fees, the fees shall be distributed as follows: $20 Annual License Reg. Fee $20 to Sponsoring Organization $5 to State of Georgia General Treasury.
DO I NEED TO WAIT UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY TO RENEW AND GET A NEW TAG?No. Just walk into your local Tag Office and purchase the new license plate for $25 dollars.
HOW DO I RECEIVE MY NEW SPAY/NEUTER LICENSE PLATE?Once you order your new license plate through your county tag office, you will receive a temporary license plate, and the Georgia Pet Foundation Spay/Neuter license plate will be mailed to you in approximately two weeks.
HOW MUCH OF THE TAG FEE GOES TOWARD SPAY/NEUTER FUNDING?Of the Initial $45 fees collected for the issuance of these tags, the fees shall be distributed as follows: $20 Annual License Reg. Fee $1 to the County Tag Agent $19 to Sponsoring Organization $5 to State of Georgia General Treasury. Of the $45 Annual Renewal fees, the fees shall be distributed as follows: $20 Annual License Reg. Fee $20 to Sponsoring Organization $5 to State of Georgia General Treasury.
WHAT ORGANIZATIONS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GRANT PROGRAM?Animal welfare organizations (humane societies, spay/neuter clinics, rescue organizations) and municipal animal shelters can apply. Organizations must be a recognized 501(c)(3 ) non-profit or a government agency.
HOW DO I GET MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THE GRANT PROGRAM?Please go to our partner, Fix Georgia Pets', grants page for full details on how to apply for a grant and download the application.
WHEN WILL GRANT FUNDING BE AVAILABLE?Fix Georgia Pets, our grant partner, issues grants on a quarterly basis. For more information, email
Let's Make Georgia A No-Kill State.
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